A Brand New Way to Deadlift “Here’s what you need to know…
There’s now a third style of deadlift:
1.The squat-stance deadlift.
This style combines the best elements of conventional and sumo.
2.The squat-stance deadlift has no sticking point.
Unlike the other two styles of deadlift, it has even tension throughout.
3.This deadlift style has incredible transfer – squat to deadlift and deadlift to squat.
Each time you train one, you’re training the other.
4.The squat-stance deadlift is therapeutic.
It promotes optimal movement while helping to eliminate dysfunction.
5.It works for everyone.
Most athletes who try this method will adopt it as their go-to deadlift technique.”
Most lifters use sumo and conventional deadlifts. That’s because they don’t know about squat-stance deadlifts. These fall somewhere between sumo and conventional. It’s the best of both worlds. With the squat-stance deadlift you’ll pull with the strongest, safest, and most efficient biomechanics, which means less injury and more progress.
Squat and Deadlift Transfer
Powerlifters who are proponents of the sumo deadlift argue that its carryover to the squat is much greater than with conventional deadlifts because the sumo position is more similar to the mechanics used in a typical powerlifting squat. While this is true, the squat-stance deadlift is even more similar. It’s almost identical to a proper low-bar squat. It has incredible transfer – squat to deadlift and deadlift to squat – so each time you train one, you’re essentially training the other. This helps groove the proper neural pathways more efficiently as you practice the squat and deadlift patterns twice as frequently.
No Sticking Points
Unlike the conventional deadlift, which has a sticking point near the top of the movement, and the sumo deadlift, which has a sticking point near the beginning of the pull, the squat-stance deadlift has even tension throughout. As a result, there’s no significant sticking point, which allows for a smooth yet powerful motion.
More Practice
Don’t be surprised if you’re able to perform squat-stance deadlifts with much greater frequency and volume than conventional or sumo variations. This is in large part due to the natural mechanics actually being therapeutic. The technique promotes optimal movement while helping to eliminate dysfunction.
An Interview by Joel Seedman, PhD (Courtesy of Tnation.com )
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